8 Reasons Why You Should Try Dragon Boating At Least Once In Your Life
Many said that by stepping into the world of dragon boating, it has the ability to change one’s life. Before even thinking about committing one’s life to becoming a dragon boater, why not have a read to understand why you should try our fascinating sport of dragon boating at least once in your life. Have a quick glimpse of being part of the world fastest growing water & corporate sport.
1. Be part of a 3000-year-old tradition
The celebration for the sport of dragon boating over Chinese Duan Wu Festival was originated some 2500 years ago, to commemorate the loss of a well-loved minister, named Qu Yuan. Considering that nearly 3 millenniums have passed, there has been little change to the dynamics of the sport. Dragon boating has evolved beyond just a tradition or a showcase of one culture; it is now a modern platform which brings people together from all over the world and from all walks of lives. When you sit in a dragon boat and hold the paddle for the first time, it is not hard to imagine how it was like racing in a dragon boat 2500 years ago and how you are now embracing that first step to continue that tradition.

2. An astounding sense of freedom from work
There is nothing more rewarding than jumping into a dragon boat, paddling out onto a vast space of the reservoir and admire the beautiful city skyline. Giving yourself a mental break from the office can provide you the sanity to make it through the rest of your working week. Soak yourself under warmth of the evening sun, or enjoy the cooling breeze and occasional spray of the paddling mist. Being close to nature in a dragon boat would bring that absolute sense of freedom, comfort and ease.

3. First attempt in overcoming the fear of being on water
One of the common misconceptions by many have always been the fear of capsizing when dragon boating. In fact, the sport has one of the lowest apsize-rates among other water sports. You will not even get into the water, contrary to what people think! The design of a dragon boat is made to hold more than 10 times its weight – as such, a capsize is very unlikely. Paddling is easy, safe and does not require a lot of skill on the first try. Be it the fear of capsizing or an attempt for something new, the pathway for discovery is a phenomenal addiction. Furthermore, Singapore is probably the only few countries that restrict paddlers from entering the water unless a life-vest is worn. Hence, you are all well covered!

4. A time to identify and nurture your better self
If you are an individual who ponders if you are vaguely that nasty or nice at the extremes of either equation, paddling in a dragon boat would provide you that opportunity to identify oneself quite clearly. When you paddle for the first time, it is inevitable that you will be overwhelmed by the various situations that challenge your every emotion. Whether you are sitting behind an experienced paddler or sitting between some newbies as fresh as yourself, this opportunity could test your physical & mental tolerance. Whatever the outcome, embrace and encourage your inner-self, “You can do it.”, “I believe in you.” Become your own strongest supporter, coach and cheerleader.

5. An opportunity to work in a team
The sport of dragon boating has always been synonymous to the lessons of Teamwork and Mutual Support. Perhaps no other sport epitomises both virtues as much as dragon boating. Get hands-on experiences to understand that no one individual can move the boat as well as 19 others that paddle together in cadence. Feel the sense of accomplishment when everyone works toward the projection of the boat. There is often a greater sense of accomplishment than what an individual may feel when working on their own. You do not even need to know the person sitting beside you to get the boat moving. The sense of fascination comes purely by sitting in the boat together and paddling in time.

6. A reason to leave your mobile devices behind
Over the past decade, our mobile devices have literally taken a whole chunk of our life away and changed the way we live. However, though it is hard to admit the reality that we can’t live without our phone, there are times that choices can be made to do without it. Damaging our devices by getting it wet is one reason that fears us the most when we think about going outdoors, but it could also be the same reason that gives us a break under the same influence. Take that chance to leave everything behind and appreciate entertainment at its raw form, Nature.

7. Meet people from all walks of life
Because the sport of dragon boating has such a low level of entry, everyone and anyone can enjoy it. Some dragon boat clubs in Singapore are also known to have over 15 nationalities in the team. Reasons to join the sport has gone beyond just wanting to keep fit but using it as a social platform to network and meet new people. In the earlier days, the sport only seemed to attract residential clubs as a form of healthy weekend gatherings; today, the community has grown inclusively to professionals, managers, executives and entrepreneurs. The engaging paddling activity around the bay itself is a natural conversational starter to any person you meet there. You no longer have to worry about awkward introductions.

8. Mastering a skill in an extremely short amount of time
Many sporting activities require months of training before you can be skilled to truly enjoy the game. But dragon boating can be learnt almost instantaneously, moments after you hopped into the boat. Many newbies have been seen getting an immediate hand in the paddling technique barely 20 minutes into the session. After which, the natural competitive hormone inside you will want to paddle further and faster. Besides, with all the reports on flooding and ponding in the region, gearing oneself with another survival skill might save your life someday.